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Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Dec 13, 2024
What is overstimulation and how can we help?
What is Overstimulation?: Overstimulation, also known as sensory overload, can happen to anyone, but it’s especially easy for children...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jul 21, 2023
Tips and Tricks for Orthotic users and their Family
Written by Sarah Peavy, SPT from Elon University Information: Orthotics are commonly used for children to assist with mobility and range...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 31, 2023
Help! What is a Flat Spot and Does my Child Need a Helmet?
Been working overtime trying to get your baby away from that flat spot with what doesn’t seem like a lot of improvement? Thinking about...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 24, 2023
How Doors Improve Core Strength
It seems silly, right? But it’s true! Doors can help kids improve core strength. But first, why is core strength even important? Core...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 18, 2023
Outdoor Gross Motor Activities
It is perfect weather to spend some time outside! Did you know that while you are outside, your child can be strengthening at the same...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jan 31, 2023
What Makes a Playground Inclusive?
Here in Durham county (where Emily works), there has been some recent backlash to Durham Parks and Recreation. There is a new playground...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Oct 3, 2022
Orthosis Prescription Guide
Prescribing foot orthoses (FOs), supramalleolar orthoses (SMOs) and ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) for pediatric clients goes beyond what one...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 29, 2022
Trouble Standing? Try This!
So you're practicing standing, but it seems difficult for the child and you can't figure out why. Or maybe they become fussy with...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 26, 2022
Potty Tips and Adaptations for Kids with Physical Challenges
Potty training with toddlers is difficult, but potty training those who have physical challenges seems like uncharted territory. You...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 23, 2022
Activities for In-toeing
In-toeing, commonly referred to pigeon toeing, is an orthopedic condition in children. It causes the feet to turn inward while walking...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 10, 2022
Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is one of the most common orthopedic conditions that happen in infancy. About 1 in 100 infants are treated for hip...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 9, 2022
Four Year Old Skills
Have you ever wondered what your 4 year old should be doing? Look no further! Here is a perfect example of gross motor skills at this...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 6, 2022
A Pediatric PT’s Guide for Recommending SMOs
Hey PTs! Wanna know my guidelines for recommending SMOs? Here is a little cheat sheet I use! Step 1 Look for indications of foot/ankle...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 14, 2022
Is Your Daycare Prioritizing Developmental Growth?
Chooing a daycare can be one of the most stressful tasks for new parents. It’s hard to find a perfect daycare. However, a daycare that...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 11, 2022
Baby Container Alternatives
Baby containers are products that limit movement when you put your baby in them. Examples of baby containers are jumpers, swings, bumbo...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Mar 21, 2022
Stop Googling!
Let me be the 156917th person to remind you that you should NEVER GO TO GOOGLE for medical advice. This includes pediatric milestones!...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Mar 16, 2022
Typical Two-Year Old Things
There are several resources out there for infant gross motor skills, but when it comes to toddlers, there is not a lot of information out...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jan 18, 2022
Out with the Bumbo, In with The Upseat- Product Review
As PTs, we encourage that "containers" are to be used in moderation. As parents, we agree that sometimes you need a safe place to put...
Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Oct 26, 2021
10 Halloween Treats that Aren't Candy
Time for a moment of honesty. I’ve been so excited to pass our candy this year for trick or treating! It's our first year in our new home...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Oct 19, 2021
5 Stretches for the Baby that Likes Looking One Direction
It is very common for infants and babies to prefer looking one way and not the other. This could be a result of in uterine positioning,...
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